Cemetery Restoration Workshop - Old Centre Cemetery
Join us to learn the basics of cemetery restoration in Winchendon's beautiful Old Centre Cemetery!
The Winchendon History and Cultural Center regularly schedules cultural programs, special events, and exhibits held throughout the year, including Casino Night, Holiday House Tours, pig roasts, escape room games, and paranormal "novice night" ghost hunts.
Join us to learn the basics of cemetery restoration in Winchendon's beautiful Old Centre Cemetery!
Join us for a creepy crawly nighttime stroll through Winchendon's beautiful Old Centre Cemetery!
Join us for an afternoon stroll through Winchendon's beautiful Old Centre Cemetery!
Join us for a creepy crawly nighttime stroll through Winchendon's beautiful Old Centre Cemetery!
Join us for an afternoon stroll through Winchendon's beautiful Old Centre Cemetery!
Tickets are $20 per person.
Saturday, December 14th, 2019
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
We have lined up a BEAUTIFUL selection of homes and buildings this year. You are sure to enjoy it!
We are also featuring the Winchendon History and Cultural Center’s newest acquisition - the OLD CENTRE CHURCH!
In the function hall on the lower level of the church, you will be able to see and enjoy beautiful holiday table settings!
This is always a fun day for us to showcase all the beautiful and historic homes in Winchendon.
Mark your calendars, this is the BIGGEST house tour yet!!
Tickets are $20, and that gets you access to ALL the homes and buildings. Tour them at your own pace, and in any order you like.
See you then!
Join us for a Halloween costume party + ghost hunt at the Winchendon History and Cultural Center!
Tickets are $69 per person.
Saturday, October 26th, 2019
6:00 PM - 1:00 AM
This is a great opportunity to soak up all the spooky Halloween atmosphere you can, while you head out with experienced paranormal investigators to see what you can find.
You will explore both the Murdock Whitney and Isaac Morse Houses. We provide equipment for you to use, or you're welcome to bring your own.
We are also excited to announce that we will have a special guest at the October event. Intuitive empath and evidential medium Tara McGillicuddy will be offering a gallery reading for those who would like to participate. This special addition is included in the cost of your ticket. You can find more about Tara here: www.empathnow.com or here: Empath Now.
For a preview of how your night could go, check out this link for a wonderful video of one of our spirits joining an impromptu concert in the music room.
Follow us on Facebook to get the most up to date information on any event!
PLEASE NOTE: We are a federally registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 100% of the proceeds from every fundraiser we hold goes toward the high cost of upkeep and maintenance on our 3 historic properties.
Join us for a Halloween-themed scary story night for kids!
You're welcome to wear costumes and bring something comfortable to sit on, like blankets, sleeping bags, or camp chairs.
We will gather around the "camp fire" (indoors, on the floor) for an evening of scary stories read to you by a real witch.
Recommended for kids 10 and under.
Admission is free (but we always welcome donations!)
Friday, October 25th, 2019
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Follow us on Facebook to get the most up to date information on any event!
PLEASE NOTE: We are a federally registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 100% of the proceeds from every fundraiser we hold goes toward the high cost of upkeep and maintenance on our 3 historic properties.
It’s BACK - our annual night of fun, gambling, and mingling! As usual, we will feature blackjack, roulette, money wheel, 50/50 raffle, silent auction, and hors d'oeuvres. Come join us for our biggest fundraiser of the year - now held at the MURDOCK WHITNEY MANSION.
Tickets are $25.00 per person.
Formal or semi formal attire is encouraged!
Click below to buy your tickets. You can pick them up at the door on the night of the event.
DATE: August 17, 2019
TIME: 7:00 PM to midnight
WHERE: American Legion, 295 School St in Winchendon
Join us and the Diamond Divas from Lowell for a night of fun, laughter, and dancing at the WHCC's first ever drag show!!
Featuring Emma Bitch, Tequila Mockingbird, LaTrina Flush, and others!
We will have a 50/50 raffle and other auction items as well.
All ticket proceeds benefit the WHCC.
Tickets are $30. Music and dancing following the show.
We hope to see you there!
WHAT: A 0.5K “race”, an optional VIP “Mustache Ride” on our fancy golf cart, and a block party with live music, beer, food trucks, and shopping
WHEN: Saturday, July 20, 2019. Start checking in at 11:00 AM, race begins at 12:00 PM
WHERE: WHCC, 151 Front St, Winchendon, MA
WHY: This is a toss up - it’s a fundraiser for the WHCC, but it’s also HILARIOUS
HOW (MUCH): Click here for tickets
Join your fellow underachievers for a day (ok, really it’s more like 10 minutes) of blood, sweat, and tears… we’re kidding… athletic prowess, glory, and… ok, we’re still kidding. Join us for some silliness and a participation medal to raise money for the Winchendon History and Cultural Center.
We’re a federally registered 501(c)(3). We run on donations and fundraising efforts. Every penny we earn goes directly toward the care and upkeep of our three historic properties - the Murdock Whitney House, the Isaac Morse House, and as of 2018, the Old Centre Church.
The 2nd Annual WHCC 0.5K Fun Run will be held at 12:00 PM on Saturday, July 20, 2018 at the Winchendon History and Cultural Center at 151 Front Street.
The umm, "Run" will begin at 12:00 PM sharp on Lincoln Ave between our two buildings (151 Front St and 135 Front St). We’ll have a table set up for registrations and other questions, and we will begin checking people in at 11:00 AM.
The umm, "Race", will then proceed on Lincoln Ave toward Grove St. for exactly a quarter of a mile. Why? Because at the halfway point - you'll know it when you get there - there will be a break for coffee and donuts! You might be an underachiever at running, but do you overachieve at snacks? Show your stuff!
When you're finished with your leisurely coffee break, you will turn around and... run BACK the way you came to finish the race in a blaze of glory.
After the race, though, you can hang around, reliving the close calls, bragging to your friends, taking selfies to post on social media "I DID IT!!! I'M A FINISHER!! LOOK AT ME!!!"
Now what? You're all full of adrenaline and good feels, you say? Great! Because this year? We're throwing a great big block party so you can keep on celebrating all afternoon. GALA (Gardner Area League of Artists) will be selling beautiful handmade art, and there will be live music, beer, food trucks, and the WHCC's annual yard sale. More details will become available as we get closer to July 20.
All finishers will receive a pretentious, cheap, gold plastic medal JUST FOR PARTICIPATING. (Everyone gets recognized for their achievement at this event, no matter how bad you are, because we are all about positivity and self-worth.)
If you register by July 1st, you will receive a T-shirt.
Everyone who registers will be entered into a pool to win prizes through a random draw.
Coffee and donut station at the halfway point for carb-loading and relaxing.
We strongly encourage you to wear a funny costume on race day. There are no prizes – if we’re being honest, this is mostly for our own amusement.
Medical Tent. Or maybe just some bandaids.
Much, much, much more (as we think of ridiculous things to add or, rather, as we convince people to do the ridiculous things we have already thought of)
Don't feel like running? Don't think you can make it the full 546 yards? Then you should be a VIP.
On the day of the race, for an additional $5, you don't even have to run! How awesome is that?!
The official WHCC 0.5K shuttle is… a highly decorated golf cart! If you don't want to walk all the way around the park, we'll provide you with A MUSTACHE RIDE instead.
You still get your participation medal, and all of the other goodies.
But the best thing is, we will probably poke fun at you the whole way. Are you up for a good roasting, VIP? Because we think you are very special.
Please join us for a unique event that promises to be full of fun and fundraising for the Winchendon History and Cultural Center!
Winchendon History and Cultural Center
151 Front Street
Winchendon, MA 01475
If you have any questions about this "race", click the button below.
Join this event and invite your friends on Facebook.
adults 18 and up – $25.00 per person
children 10-17 years old – $10.00 per person
children 9 and under – free
Everyone who completes the race will get a participation medal and be entered into a pool to win prizes through a random draw.
Please click here to download the ACCIDENT WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY.
This is a great opportunity to explore both of our haunted, historic homes, and guess what? We now have two SLS systems, or cameras that maps human movement in the form of a stick figure. Check out this link for a wonderful video of one of our spirits joining an impromptu concert in the music room.
Come and explore the haunted Murdock Whitney and Isaac Morse Houses. We provide equipment for you to use, or you're welcome to bring your own. You'll get a bit of history of both properties, and we'll tell you our ghost stories and show you some of the incredible evidence collected over the last few years. The larger group will be broken down into smaller groups, and you will be head out with experienced paranormal investigators to see what you can find. Over the course of the evening, you will also get some free time to explore both houses on your own.
Tickets are $59 per person. 6:00 PM - midnight!
For 18+ up only. If there is enough interest, we may consider a special evening for junior paranormal investigators.
Click "get tickets" and then choose "Paranormal Ghost Hunts" to book your spot!
Follow us on Facebook to get the most up to date information on any event!
This is a great opportunity to explore both of our haunted, historic homes, and guess what? We now have two SLS systems, or cameras that maps human movement in the form of a stick figure. Check out this link for a wonderful video of one of our spirits joining an impromptu concert in the music room.
Come and explore the haunted Murdock Whitney and Isaac Morse Houses. We provide equipment for you to use, or you're welcome to bring your own. You'll get a bit of history of both properties, and we'll tell you our ghost stories and show you some of the incredible evidence collected over the last few years. The larger group will be broken down into smaller groups, and you will be head out with experienced paranormal investigators to see what you can find. Over the course of the evening, you will also get some free time to explore both houses on your own.
Tickets are $59 per person. 6:00 PM - midnight!
For 18+ up only. If there is enough interest, we may consider a special evening for junior paranormal investigators.
Click "get tickets" and then choose "Paranormal Ghost Hunts" to book your spot!
Follow us on Facebook to get the most up to date information on any event!
We are open for guided tours from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM on Sunday afternoons from June 1st through October 31st.
Tours during the off season can be requested by calling the museum to make an appointment: 978-833-3025.
Thank you!
Wayne Tuiskula of Central Mass Auctions will be at the Murdock Whitney House Museum on Sunday, October 28 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Wayne is an auctioneer and appraiser, and the author of the Antiquities column which appears regularly in the Winchendon Courier.
We are open for guided tours from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM on Sunday afternoons from June 1st through October 31st.
Tours during the off season can be requested by calling the museum to make an appointment: 978-833-3025.
Thank you!
Murdock-Whitney House
151 Front St
Winchendon, MA 01475
Isaac Morse House
135 Front St
Winchendon, MA 01475
For the most up to date information on our cultural programs, special events, and exhibits, please follow us on Facebook.
We are a federally registered 501(c)(3), and every penny we earn through our sponsored events and fundraising efforts goes directly toward the care and upkeep of our three historic properties and our museum collection. All contributions are tax deductible.